Voice of Quran

The Story of Prophet Joseph and His Brothers

hazrat yousuf(A.S)


The Early Life of Joseph and His Brothers The story of Prophet Joseph begins with his birth to Jacob. Joseph’s father loved him dearly, which caused jealousy and hatred among his older brothers. Despite this, Joseph was kind-hearted and always tried to bring peace to their family.

Joseph’s Dreams and His Brothers’ Betrayal:

Joseph’s life took a turn when he began having vivid dreams of his future greatness. He shared his dreams with his brothers, but this only made them resent him even more. Their envy and jealousy turned into betrayal, and they sold Joseph into slavery.

Joseph’s Journey to Egypt and His Rise to Power:

Joseph was taken to Egypt and sold as a slave to Potiphar, an officer of the Pharaoh. However, Joseph’s hard work and faithfulness caught Potiphar’s attention, and he was promoted to a high-ranking position in Potiphar’s household. Unfortunately, Joseph’s good fortune was short-lived when Potiphar’s wife falsely accused him of misconduct and he was thrown into prison. Despite his imprisonment, Joseph remained steadfast in his faith and continued to interpret dreams.

Joseph’s Reunion with His Brothers and the Lesson of Forgiveness:

Years later, Joseph’s gift of interpreting dreams led him to be summoned by the Pharaoh himself. Joseph was able to interpret the Pharaoh’s dream about a coming famine, and was subsequently appointed as the governor of Egypt. When the famine hit, Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt seeking food and were surprised to find their brother in a position of power. Joseph forgave his brothers and reunited with them, teaching them the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation.


The story of Prophet Joseph and his brothers is one of forgiveness and perseverance. Despite the hardships Joseph faced, he remained steadfast in his faith and was able to rise to a position of power in Egypt. The story teaches us the importance of forgiveness and the rewards that come with it. Through Joseph’s example, we are reminded of the power of faith and the importance of remaining steadfast in our beliefs.

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