Voice of Quran

Story of Prophet Abraham and His Trials


Prophet Abraham’s story is one of unwavering faith and obedience to Allah (SWT), facing trials of sacrifice, migration, and hospitality of Prophet Abraham and His Trials


Prophet Abraham is a significant figure in Islamic history, known for his unwavering faith and his willingness to obey Allah (SWT) even in the most difficult circumstances. His story is one of trials, sacrifices, and unwavering devotion to Allah (SWT).

 The Call of Allah (SWT):

Prophet Abraham was chosen by Allah (SWT) to be a prophet and a messenger, and his mission was to guide his people towards the path of righteousness. He was instructed to call his people towards the worship of the One true God and to abandon their idolatrous practices.

 The Trial of Fire:

One of Prophet Abraham’s most significant trials came when he was commanded by Allah (SWT) to sacrifice his son, Ishmael. Despite the immense pain and anguish he must have felt, Prophet Abraham was willing to obey Allah’s command. However, just as he was about to carry out the sacrifice, Allah (SWT) intervened and replaced Ishmael with a sheep, demonstrating Prophet Abraham’s unwavering faith and obedience to Allah (SWT).

 The Trial of Migration:

Another significant trial faced by Prophet Abraham was when he was commanded by Allah (SWT) to leave his homeland and migrate to a new land. He obeyed Allah’s command and, with his family, made the difficult journey to a new land. This trial demonstrated his unwavering trust in Allah (SWT) and his willingness to abandon all that was familiar and comfortable in order to obey Allah’s commands.

 The Trial of Hospitality:

Prophet Abraham’s hospitality and generosity were also put to the test when three strangers came to his home. Despite not knowing who they were, he welcomed them with open arms and provided them with food and shelter. This trial demonstrated Prophet Abraham’s kindness and generosity towards others, even to those he did not know.


Prophet Abraham’s story teaches us the importance of faith, obedience, and trust in Allah (SWT). Despite facing many trials and challenges, he remained steadfast in his devotion to Allah (SWT) and emerged victorious. His story serves as an inspiration for all believers to follow in his footsteps and to strive towards a life of obedience and devotion to Allah (SWT).

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